Brandon Salyer

Brandon Salyer

Student & College Pastor

Brandon Salyer has been serving as Student and College Pastor since July 2021. Before entering the Ministry, Brandon spent five years as a school teacher working in Reno Nevada, and Fort Worth Texas. Brandon felt called into the ministry while teaching 5th graders in Hurst Texas and pursued that calling by enrolling at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in the fall of 2019 where he is continuing to work on completing his M.Div in Biblical Theology. He and his wife Abbey have been married since March 2015. They have three wonderful children together, David, Mackenzie, and Elijah, whom you can often find chasing each other through the church hallways whenever the doors are open. When he isn’t spending his time with his family or with students Brandon enjoys reading sports books, going on very slow runs, and spending time enjoying the beauty of God’s creation. A scripture verse that has long served as an anchor for his faith is Lamentations 3:22-23: “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” (ESV)

Contact Brandon

  • 423-232-2365