DNA Groups Overview

Discipleship, Nurturing, Accountability

DNA and DNA 2.0 Groups


DNA (Discipleship, Nurturing, Accountability) Groups are a part of the spiritual formation strategy of Central Baptist Church. A DNA Group usually consists of five people—men with men, women with women—who meet together weekly or every other week to be known and to bring the gospel to bear on each other’s lives so that they grow in and live out our DNA as a church to love God, love each other, and love our world. DNA 2.0 Groups bring 4-5 couples together in a small group to focus on the same principles as our same-gender groups.

The mission of God is to restore all things to himself in and through the work and person of Jesus Christ. His chosen vehicle through which he is accomplishing that mission is the church. As God restores us to himself, he is also restoring us to be who he intends us to be. This restoring work does not happen in isolation, but rather in and through our relationships with each other as family. We do not do it alone. We need each other. The groups consist of:


A disciple of Jesus is someone learning to apply the gospel to absolutely every part of life.

Essentially, everything we do together in community is a part of discipleship. However, discipling one another will involve:

  • Reminding one another of our identity in Jesus Christ
  • Admonishing and teaching one another to obey Jesus’ commands (Matthew 28:18-20)
  • Training one another to serve in tangible ways


Care sincerely for one another.

This include things like:

  • Getting to know one another’s stories, listening closely to each other and to the Holy Spirit so we can carefully and empathetically direct each other to truth
  • Checking one another’s hearts and passions by asking questions like: How are you doing? Who are you loving well? Not so well? Where are you living in fear? What can we celebrate with you? What are you struggling through?
  • Praying with and for each other.


Holding one another accountable is more than just

asking hard questions.

Holding each other accountable is:

  • Encouraging each other to live out what we believe through setting goals and helping each other fulfill them
  • Reviewing the past week and how faithful we have been in keeping our word
  • Speaking the truth in love as we see areas of sin, correcting and rebuking with God’s Word when necessary

How Do I Get In One?

  • Express your interest by completing an online application, found at the bottom of this page.
  • Find friends who want to form a DNA group and have them complete an online application
  • DNA Groups start at the beginning of each semester, so if you are interested in being in a group before a DNA Group starting period, ask us about existing openings.

What Is The Format?

Every group can and will look different than another. Some will work through a curriculum in order to bring about the goals. Some will work through a setup they designate themselves (i.e. rotate through pieces of Scriptures, a chapter a week, book study). Here is the framework that leaders are encouraged to walk through:


A DNA Group agrees to focus on a common biblical text or curriculum. Each person in the Group commits to devotionally reading the same section of Scripture or book for each meeting. As you read, make a point of asking the Holy Spirit to draw your attention to whatever He wants you to know. The Spirit may be prompting you to repent of a sin, rejoice in a promise or meditate on an insight. Each week when you get together, make the text your initial focus.


Work through the verses or book in community, trying to follow the flow of the author. From there, try to understand the central theological message of the chapter. Be sure you ask the question: “How does the person and work of Jesus inform this text?” Strive to be Christ-centered, not application-centered. Jesus is sufficient for our failures and strong for our successes.


This is followed by bringing in your personal struggles and successes from your devotional reading. Be sure to allow plenty of time for this. Share your lives; promote godly accountability and faithful prayer. Finally, be sure to share the names of people whom you are trying to bless with the gospel. Pray as a group, asking God to help you trust His promises, as well as asking Him to give unbelievers the same gift of faith.

DNA Groups are simple, biblical, and missional, following the pattern of Text-Theology-Life. They avoid legalism by promoting a Christ-centered reading of the Scriptures. They avoid license by taking seriously the fight of faith against the flesh. Best of all, they promote lasting joy in Jesus.

DNA and DNA 2.0 Groups Interest Form

If you have any questions, please contact any member of the Family Ministry Team.

Helen Kern

Preschool and Kids Pastor


Brandon Salyer

Student and College Pastor


Timmy Graham

Student, College, Media, and Gathering Ministry Associate
